The Press Council of India is a statutory autonomous quasi-judicial authority set up under an Act of Parliament namely, The Press Council Act, 1978 with the twin objective to preserve the freedom of the Press and to maintain and improve the standards of newspapers and news agencies in India.
The Press Council is expressly mandated under section 13 sub section 2 :
Clause (c) to ensure on the part of newspapers, news agencies and journalists, the maintenance of high standards of public taste and foster a due sense of both the rights and responsibilities of citizenship;
Clause (d) to encourage the growth of a sense of responsibility and public service among all those engaged in the profession of journalism;
Towards furtherance of the mandate, the Council is twice in a year conducts Internship programmes namely the “Summer Internship Programme (SIP)” and the “Winter Internship Programme (WIP)". Applications are invited from eligible students nationwide and selection is based on merits.