Complaints U/S 13

The Press Council of India is an autonomous, statutory, quasi-judicial authority mandated by the Parliament with the twin objective of preserving the freedom of the press and of maintaining and improving the standards of newspapers and the news agencies in India. It preserves press freedom with responsibility in keeping with the constitutional objectives and strives to promote the standards of reporting through its advisory and adjudicatory jurisdiction.

The Complaint Section of the PCI under Section 13 of the Press Council Act, 1978 processes the complaint(s) received or filed by a journalist or editor, a newspaper or news agency (related to print media) against any organisation or person or Central or State Government for interference with the free functioning of the press or encroachment on the freedom of the press including any physical attack or assault on journalist related to their journalistic or denial of facilities to the press are registered under this Section of the Act of 1978.

13. (1) The objects of the Council shall be to preserve the freedom of the Press and to maintain and improve the standards of newspapers and news agencies in India.

(2) The Council may, in furtherance of its objects, perform the following functions, namely :

(a) to help newspapers and news agencies to maintain their independence;

(b) to build up a code of conduct for newspapers, news agencies and journalists in accordance with high professional standards;

(c) to ensure on the part of newspapers, news agencies and journalists, the maintenance of high standards of public taste and foster a due sense of both the rights and responsibilities of citizenship;

(d) to encourage the growth of a sense of responsibility and public service among all those engaged in the profession of journalism;

(e) to keep under review any development likely to restrict the supply and dissemination of news of public interest and importance;

(f) to keep under review cases of assistance received by any newspaper or news agency in India from any foreign source including such cases as are referred to it by the Central Government or are brought to its notice by an individual, association of persons or any other organization.

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